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Webmind Recommendation System

Search tool that matches concepts, not keystrokes, for more intelligent and useful results.

No matter how powerful its engine, a database search tool is only as useful as its ability to understand and fulfill a user's needs. Most such tools are limited to simple metadata matches. Even tools using soft queries and fuzzy logic provide more "noise" than added value -- only compounding the intense frustration of many e-business customers who expect an online sales tool to be as responsive as a store clerk.

Using logic-based reasoning features, Webmind Recommendation allows users to establish "hard" and "soft" preferences for searches. In addition to returning the usual exact-match data, Webmind Recommendation can provide near matches -- not the alternate spellings or random associations provided by other engines, but intelligent, conceptual near matches that bring the user results that closely reflect his or her intent.

For example, if a user asks for a brown, cotton shirt for under $50, Webmind Recommendation might also return (apart from exact matches) slightly more expensive shirts made of cotton blends, in shades that are close to brown, such as "stone."

Conversely, if a user asks for "kobe beef," references to Kobe Bryant will not be larded into the results (unless so desired), because Webmind Recommendation matches concepts, not keystrokes. Users can also expand or narrow Webmind Recommendation preferences as they see fit, choosing the precise number of products returned.

While Webmind Recommendation's e-business applications are obvious, it is suitable for use in other enterprise and academic environments in which conceptual near matches would be useful -- e.g., intranet and extranet knowledge databases.

Like all Webmind products, Webmind Recommendation is continuously optimized (and customized for specific clients and applications) by our engineers and, via its learning capabilities, from legacy data and customer interaction.

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